Jul 14, 2019
Series: Looking Foward
Biblical HOPE is rooted in the character and promises of God. Abram and Sarai are examples of this. They trusted and set out. They faltered and fell. They questioned and fussed. But always they came back to their need and ours to trust in the steadfast love of God and God's ability, as the Apostle Paul said, "To do more than we could ever ask or dream" (Ephesians 3:20).
- Jul 14, 2019Hope
Jul 14, 2019HopeSeries: Looking FowardBiblical HOPE is rooted in the character and promises of God. Abram and Sarai are examples of this. They trusted and set out. They faltered and fell. They questioned and fussed. But always they came back to their need and ours to trust in the steadfast love of God and God's ability, as the Apostle Paul said, "To do more than we could ever ask or dream" (Ephesians 3:20).
- Jul 7, 2019Vision
Jul 7, 2019VisionSeries: Looking FowardIn Nehemiah's story we find "trail markers" to help us develop a vision for our future. A Holy Disatisfaction with our "rubble." Time given to Serious Prayer. Are we at these points? Does our concern for the state of FUMC move us to intentional intercession for God's Spirit to breath life and vision into our Governance Board and Church family? Nehemiah took the next step. It was Risk-Taking but necessary. He begins to make requests of one in a position of influence who could open doors of possibilities. Lastlly Nehemiah goes to Jerusalem and cultivates Shared-Ownership of the vision God has given him.
- Jun 23, 2019Urgency
Jun 23, 2019UrgencySeries: Looking FowardOn June 23 we looked at Israel's story of change and uncertainty. Much like them, Faith UMC has experienced change and uncertainty as our worshiping numbers have declined and our overall age has increased. For Israel and Faith UMC a sense of urgency begs us to Look Forward.